The Taigan has been a cattle breeders companion over the ages and they used to wander over the hills and mountains on their own.
The dog has always shared the fate of his owner, all the disadvantages which they have been experiencing - great effort, lack of food and dangerous beasts of pray. It has resulted in the Taigan's ability to work in difficult conditions. The dog can fetch food for himself and for his master. In Kyrgystan there are stories being passed from one generation to another, telling how faithful these dogs are. Some old Kyrgyz people would tell that no Taigan would leave his master when in need.
The fact that the Taigans used to stay only with their masters in Kyrgyz mountains, highly contributed to create dogs who are not likely to be easy in contact with strangers. If one considers how valuable these dogs were and are for the Kyrgyz people, one can admit that this kind of feature was a desirable one. If it had been different, it would have been easy to steal the dog which would have been a great loss.
Thus the Taigan is a dog of one master, he is very much devoted to him, but still he is reserved towards the strangers. This feature has also made him a good guardian dog. The Kyrgyz sighthound, the same as other sighthounds, is a calm dog when at home, but one should bare in mind how proud he is and he does not accept any harsh treating. The
Taigans are highly independent, they do not welcome happily even their own master. They behave as if they knew their value and any caress they perceive as a favour for his owner. When taken for a walk, they are not aggressive as long as they are not provoked directly.
The puppy time is essential for the Taigan behaviour in his adulthood. When a puppy gets older, it gets acquainted with the circle of close friends or relatives of his master. If this circle is small, then the dog might be unfriendly for those who are new for him. He may growl and may try to keep these people away. When approaching a new person, the Taigan examines him, and when he considers him unfriendly, he may even bite. If you consider that this is a hunting dog, it is easy to imagine that he may harm seriously. The Taigan reaction may be immediate and if the adversary tries to fight, the instinct of the dog does not let him stop. So it is reasonable to go away, if one can see that the Taigan is irritated.
Owning a Taigan might be a difficult task. The primitive breeds used to live in nature for hundreds of years, getting their food on their own, they used to walk long distances, which made them fit, moreover they were not trained to obey the master. In such conditions the dog-to-master relations were nearly like the partner-to-partner ones. Thus the one who decides to keep a Taigan must consider the long period of the breed development and the characteristics which have been formed in the breed behaviour and one should accept them as a result of this long-term process.
The Kyrgyz sighthound should have a chance to run freely, to walk a lot and to have an open space available at least once a week. In case of lack of freedom and physical exercise, the taigan may be too much reserved, nervous or even might be aggressive towards his own master. It may be explained by the natural high adrenaline level in the dog's blood, which is eliminated by physical exercises. Because of the above mentioned traditional dog-to-man relation it seems reasonable to teach a Taigan only basic things, walking on leash and where his places in human pack is.
The characteristics which have been outlined are general ones. The same as in all other breeds, also in Taigans, there different dogs with different behaviour lines, some of them might be very independent, some are ready to die for his master.